Whether you were injured at work or while playing sports, a torn ligament makes day-to-day tasks much more difficult. Thankfully, there are several ligament treatment options your doctor may recommend, each in keeping with the extent of your injury. The team of doctors and supporting medical staff at High Mountain Orthopedics is dedicated to treating injuries with the utmost care and improving the quality of life for our patients in the Wayne, Paramus, and Englewood areas in New Jersey. Here, we describe some of the methods typically used to treat a torn ligament.

Diagnosing the Injury

The first step is to visit your doctor. It’s important to know the extent of your injury – ligaments can be strained, sprained, and torn. If you’re experiencing the pain and discomfort that accompanies ligament damage, the first thing you should do is have it diagnosed. While there are several non-surgical treatment options for less severe injuries, surgical treatment may be the best course of action. Your primary care physician will be able to examine the injury in detail, provide an initial diagnosis, and refer you to a specialist if necessary.

Non-Surgical Ligament Treatment Options

Depending on your condition, several non-surgical treatment options may be used to help manage the pain and reduce swelling. Your physician may recommend you follow steps known as RICE, which is an acronym for the following actions:

  • Rest: Avoid engaging in any activity that requires the use of the injured area.
  • Ice: Apply an ice pack or cold compress to the injury.
  • Compression: Wrap the affected area in a compression sleeve or bandage to alleviate some of the discomfort.
  • Elevation: Keep the injured area above your heart when you’re lying down to minimize swelling.

In addition to the RICE method, your doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory medication to help mitigate the swelling and discomfort. Depending on the extent of the injury, your primary care physician also may recommend physical therapy to strengthen the area and help safely restore range of motion.

Surgical Ligament Treatment Options

Surgical treatment options are typically recommended if the damage to the ligament is extensive or if non-surgical methods have proven ineffective over time. Open surgery also may be suggested if the risk of reinjuring a ligament is substantially higher. Your doctor will discuss your condition in detail and make sound recommendations based on your specific needs.

An advanced option, arthroscopic surgery, is a minimally invasive procedure and one that’s performed by Dr. Tony S. Wanich at High Mountain Orthopedics. Along with mending ligaments, it’s used to treat a variety of joint conditions and utilizes a small camera that provides the surgeon with a clear image of the affected area. The incisions made to insert the camera and medical instruments are small, and the procedure is performed with a high level of precision. With this option, patients often experience shorter recovery times and a lowered risk of complications.

Discuss the Ligament Treatments at High Mountain Orthopedics

High Mountain Orthopedics provides surgical and non-surgical ligament treatment options to patients seeking medical assistance in Wayne, Paramus, and Englewood, N.J. Our award-winning medical staff possesses a wealth of experience and knowledge, and they use every resource at their disposal in our state-of-the-art facility. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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